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How to Upload and Manage SSL Certificates

  1. You can access the Medianova cloud panel by logging in with your username and password at .

  2. Click on the “CDN → SSL Management” option on the left menu of the panel. The SSL Certificates added to the organization are displayed on this page. If you don’t own an SSL certificate yourself, proceed to Step 5.

  3. To add a new SSL certificate to your organization, click on the “Add New SSL” button on the SSL Management page and fill in the “SSL Name”, “Certificate”, “Private Key” and “Certificate Password” fields. Then you can click the “Add New SSL” button to upload the certificate.

SSL Name: Specifies the SSL name to be added to the customer organization.

Certificate field: Specifies the extension of the certificate file. The CRT file is uploaded to the web server, allowing the website to be verified and secure communication.

Private Key field: SSL keys are based on asymmetric (public-private) encryption methods. In this method, two keys are used: private key and public key. The private key is a secret key that the website owner must protect and is only stored on the web server. The public key, on the other hand, is a public key and is published by the web server.

Certificate Password: It is a password used to protect the private key.

  1. To use the SSL certificate you uploaded for one of your CDN Resources or choose the “Shared SSL” option, please click on the “CDN → CDN Resources” option on the left menu of the panel. Press on the specific CDN Resource among the listed ones and navigate to the SSL tab. (This tab is named as “CNAME & SSL” for Small and Large resource types, whereas it is named as “SSL” for Streaming, VOD and Dynamic resource types.

  1. On this SSL tab, you can either select the “SNI” option and apply the SSL certificate you uploaded to your selected CDN Resource; or you can choose the “Shared SSL” option if you don’t own an SSL certificate yourself. Select the preferred option and save changes.

  1. There are also some other options you can perform on the SSL Management menu. You can “Edit” and “Delete” your SSL certificates.

    1. When you click on the “Delete” option, a pop-up window appears as follows and asks you to confirm the action to proceed.

    2. When you click on the “Edit” option, a pop-up window appears as follows and allows you rename the SSL certificate. No other editing is allowed.

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