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About the Billing Menu

This guide provides a detailed explanation on how to navigate and utilize the Billing menu available on Medianova Cloud platform. To access this menu, visit and select the Billing tab from the left-hand menu. The Billing menu is designed to help you manage your subscriptions, update your payment information, and review your invoices efficiently.

1. Subscriptions

In the Subscriptions tab, you can view all aspects of your current subscriptions. This section provides a comprehensive overview of your active subscriptions, showing which packages you are currently using. While you can view your subscription details and cancel subscriptions if needed, adjustments such as upgrading or downgrading your package should be done through the Product Plans menu. The Subscriptions tab is designed to give you control over viewing and managing your subscription status, but for changes to your package, you will need to use the Product Plans menu.

2. Payment Info

The Payment Info tab is where you manage your account and payment details. Here, you can update your account information and address details to ensure all your records are current. This section also allows you to add new credit cards or modify information for existing cards. You can manage multiple credit cards, adding or editing details as necessary. However, please note that while you can add and manage multiple cards, you cannot delete the last credit card on file. This ensures that there is always a payment method associated with your account.

3. Invoices

The Invoices tab provides access to all your invoice details. In this section, you can view both past and current invoices, which include detailed information about your charges and payments. If needed, you can download your invoices as PDF files for your records. This tab also allows you to check the status of your payments, ensuring that you are up to date with all financial transactions related to your account.

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