WAF Resources Activity Logs Graph Data
Parameters | Description | Type | Required |
from | It is considered the starting point in a specific date range. | String | Yes |
to | It is considered the last point in a given date range. | String | Yes |
resources | It is used to see the data of a specific resource or all resources in the organization. | Array | Yes |
organization_uuid | The created organization in Medianova Cloud Panel unit ID value | String | Yes |
waf_mode | two parameters it can take are "on", "detectiononly" | String | No |
limit | WAF resources parameter limit enabled in page. | Integer | Yes |
"organization_uuid": "****-****-****-****",
"from": "2023-12-13 00:00:00",
"to": "2023-12-13 17:51:17",
"resources": [
"limit": 10
"status": true,
"data": [
@timestamp: "2023-12-13T14:49:31.011Z"
transaction.messages.details.data: [,…]
transaction.messages.details.file: ["/usr/local/owasp-hidden/hidden"]
transaction.messages.details.match: [,…]
transaction.messages.details.ruleId: ["hidden"]
transaction.messages.details.ruleName: [null]
transaction.messages.details.score: 0
transaction.messages.details.tags: ["hidden",…]
transaction.messages.message: ["hidden",…]
transaction.producer.secrules_engine: "Enabled"
transaction.request.headers: {Host: "www.test.com",…}
transaction.request.method: "GET"
transaction.request.uri: "hidden"
transaction.response.http_code: 301