Traffic Report Detail Data Graph
Interval in analytics data; If the date range is today, it is automatically sent as 5m (5 minutes), for 1-7 days as 1h (1 hour), for 8-30 days as 2h (2 hours), for more than 8h (8 hours).
Parameters | Description | Type | Required |
from | It is considered the starting point in a specific date range. | String | Yes |
to | It is considered the last point in a given date range. | String | Yes |
resources | It is used to see the data of a specific resource or all resources in the organization. Returns the total of the selected resources. If no resource is selected, it returns the total of all resources. | Array | Yes |
organization_uuid | The created organization in Medianova Cloud Panel unit ID value | String | Yes |
"organization_uuid": "***-****-****-*****",
"from": "2023-12-06 17:00:15",
"to": "2023-12-13 17:00:15",
"resources": [
"status": true,
"data": {
"traffic": {
"selected_time": {
"from": "2023-12-13 00:00:00",
"to": "2023-12-13 16:25:00",
"traffic": 2997477613765,
"traffic_formatted": "3,00 TB"
"previous": {
"from": "2023-12-12 00:00:00",
"to": "2023-12-12 16:25:00",
"traffic": 3342243675470,
"traffic_formatted": "3,34 TB"
"pre_previous": {
"from": "2023-12-11 00:00:00",
"to": "2023-12-11 16:25:00",
"traffic": 4209761937199,
"traffic_formatted": "4,21 TB"
"cached_data": {
"total_cached_traffic": {
"traffic": 2237088806217,
"bandwidth": "288.7924 Mbit/s",
"traffic_formatted": "2,24 TB"
"hit_traffic_ratio": "0.78",
"hit_traffic": {
"traffic": 2237021895067,
"traffic_formatted": "2,24 TB"
"updating_traffic": {
"traffic": 497908,
"traffic_formatted": "0,00 GB"
"revalidated_traffic": {
"traffic": 9717831052,
"traffic_formatted": "9,72 GB"
"stale_traffic": {
"traffic": 66413242,
"traffic_formatted": "0,07 GB"
"non_cached_data": {
"total_noncached_traffic": {
"traffic": 623391975481,
"bandwidth": "80.4755 Mbit/s",
"traffic_formatted": "623,39 GB"
"miss_traffic_ratio": "0.22",
"miss_traffic": {
"traffic": 619440127342,
"traffic_formatted": "619,44 GB"
"expired_traffic": {
"traffic": 3951848139,
"traffic_formatted": "3,95 GB"
"empty_traffic": {
"traffic": 297800284942,
"traffic_formatted": "297,80 GB"