Create FTP Account
Parameters | Description | Type | Required |
organization_uuid | The created organization in Medianova Cloud Panel unit ID value. | String | Yes |
name | Specifies the Stook credential name. | String | Yes |
path | FTP created subfolder name. | String | Yes |
password | FTP Accounts password information. Password should be related to special characters and upper and lower case letters. | String | Yes |
bucket_uuid | The created stook bucket unit ID value | String | Yes |
is_readonly | FTP Accounts is the view of read only mode. | Boolean | Yes |
wrap_rules | It contains the allow and deny IP list. | Array | Yes |
wrap_rules.type | It takes the values "deny" and "allow". | String | Yes |
wrap_rules.rule | More than one IP information can be entered. | Array | Yes |
"name": "ftp-test",
"path": "testfolder",
"password": "hidden",
"bucket_uuid": "****-****-****-****",
"is_readonly": false,
"wrap_rules": [
"type": "allow",
"rule": [
"type": "deny",
"rule": []
"status": true,
"data": {
"uuid": "****-****-*****-****",
"bucket_uuid": "*****-****-*****-****",
"name": "ftp-test_hidden",
"path": "test-bucket-x/testfolder",
"login_allowed": true,
"count": 0,
"is_readonly": false,
"wrap_rules": [
"type": "deny",
"rule": [
"type": "allow",
"rule": [