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Changing Your Subscription Package

Product Plan Upgrades

Users can perform upgrades between product plans, but downgrades are not permitted. To transition between product plans, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Product Plans: Go to the Product Plans menu located in the left-hand navigation panel.

  2. Select the Desired Package: Choose the package you wish to transition to.

  3. Click Select Package: Click the Select Package button to proceed with your choice.

  4. Create Resources (Optional): Optionally, create any necessary resources. If you prefer, you can skip this step.

  5. Review Billing Information: Check your billing information and ensure that your credit card details are up to date.

  6. Complete Payment: Finalize the transition by completing the payment process.

Managing Add-On Packages

For managing your Image Optimization & WebP add-on packages, including upgrading or downgrading, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Product Plans: Go to the Product Plans menu located in the left-hand navigation panel.

  2. Access Add-On Packages: Scroll down to the Image Optimization & WebP section at the bottom of the page and click the Explore Plans button.

  3. View Add-On Packages: You will be redirected to the page displaying the Image Optimization & WebP packages.

  4. Select Your Desired Package: Choose the add-on package you wish to upgrade to or downgrade to and proceed.

  5. Review Billing Information: Verify your billing information and ensure your credit card details are accurate.

  6. Complete Payment: Finalize the transaction by completing the payment process. The change will take effect immediately.

Stook Object Storage Add-On Package:

For the Stook Object Storage add-on package, users are billed monthly at a rate of ($10 + $0.03/GB). As this is a usage-based package, it does not support upgrade or downgrade options.

For further assistance or questions regarding product plan transitions and inquiries about managing your add-on packages, please contact our support team.

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