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Magento Medianova CDN Integration

Medianova as Turkey’s largest e-commerce companies to offer CDN services to ensure high performance and speed. If you have an e-commerce site that works on Magento and you want to provide faster service to your customers, you should provide integration between Medianova’s CDN and Magento. Here are the steps you need to follow.

Note: We recommend back up your files and database before they integrate

Magento – Medianova Integration

  1. First, Create your Zone for account

  2. Enter the Magento admin panel, Click the Stores> Configuration section from the left menu

  3. Then select General> Web using the sub-menu

  4. Open the Base URLs section

  5. For this Static View Files, enter /static/ at the end of the Zone URL in the Base URL

  6. Similarly, in the Base URL field reserved for User Media Files, add /media/ at the end of the Zone URL.

  1. Save the configuration

  2. Go to System> Cache Management in the menu on the left side

  3. Update all outdated caches and click the Flush Magento Cache button.

That’s all you need to follow for Magento 2 CDN integration!

Magento Medianova Integration

  1. First, Create your Zone for account.

  2. Enter the Magento admin panel, Click the System> Configuration section from the top menü.

  1. Go to General> Web section using the left menu.

  2. Click the “Unsecure” section and enter the information to coming screen.

  1. If you want to use HTTPS protocol, you need to select “Secure” option and enter the information on the screen.

Note: We recommend using the HTTPS protocol. Note, however, that you need to configure Shared SSL or Custom SSL in the Medianova CDN panel before using HTTPS.

  1. Save all settings and complete Magento CDN integration

Note: We recommend that you check the HTML code to make sure all of their URLs are rewritten correctly .

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