CDN Resource - Create Page Rule
This setting is available in small, large and dynamic(aksela) resource types.
Method | URL |
PUT |{organization_uuid}/resource/{resource_uuid} |
Parameters | Description | Type | Required |
organization_uuid | The created organization in Medianova Cloud Panel unit ID value. Path parameter. | String | Yes |
resource_uuid | The created resource in Medianova Cloud Panel unit ID value. Path parameter. | String | Yes |
page_rule | This feature allows you to create customized page rules for a specific path. | Object | Yes |
status_file_extension | The values of the status_file_extension must be any of the; “true”, “false”. | Boolean | Yes |
page_rule.exact_match | The values of the exact_match must be any of the; “true”, “false”. | Boolen | No |
page_rule.cache_type | The values of the status_file_extension must be any of the; “edge”, “origin”. | String | No |
page_rule.custom_header | If status_custom_headers is true, custom headers is entered. If custom_header_status true, custom_header is required. | Object | No |
page_rule.custom_header.key | If status_custom_headers is true, custom headers.key is entered. If custom_header_status true, custom_header.key is required. | String | No |
page_rule.custom_header.type | The values of the custom_headers_type must be any of the; “request_header”, “add_header”, “hide_header”. If custom_header_status true, custom_header. type is required. | String | No |
page_rule.custom_header.value | If status_custom_headers is true, custom headers.value is entered. If custom_header_status true, custom_header.value is required. | String | No |
page_rule.custom_header_status | The values of the status_custom_header must be any of the; “true”, “false”. | Boolean | Yes |
page_rule.custom_header_used_type | The values of the page_rule.custom_header_used_type must be any of the; “default”, “custom”. | String | No |
page_rule.edge_cache_expiry | Edge Cache Time cannot be greater than 1 month. | Integer | No |
page_rule.edge_cache_unit | The values of the Edge cache unit must be any of the; “s”, “m”, “h”, “d”, “M”. | String | No |
page_rule.file_extension | If status_file_extension is true, file_extension. is entered.
| String | Yes |
page_rule.file_path | file_path must start with “/”.
| String | Yes |
page_rule.geo_block | You can customize which countries can access your content by whitelist or blacklist. | Boolean | No |
page_rule.status_hl_protection | The values of the page_rule.status_hl_protection must be any of the; “true”, “false”. | Boolean | No |
page_rule.hl_protection_used_type | The values of the page_rule.hl_protection_used_type must be any of the; “default”, “custom”. | String | No |
page_rule.hl_protection_domains | Enables hotlink protection which prevents other websites from directly linking to your content. When enabled, you can also set specific domains to be excluded from hotlink protection by adding them to whitelist. | Array, URL | No |
page_rule.is_delete | The page rule contains deletion information. | Boolean | No |
page_rule.security_header_details | Contains the security header parameters. | Object | No |
page_rule.security_headers | The values of the security_headers must be any of the; “true”, “false”. | Boolean | No |
page_rule.security_header_used_type | The values of the page_rule.security_header_used_type must be any of the; “default”, “custom”. | String | No |
page_rule.security_headers.x_xss_ protection | The values of the security_headers.x_xss_protection must be any of the; “true”, “false”. | Boolean | No |
page_rule.security_headers.http_st rict_transport_security | Must be enabled in order to use HSTS. The values of the security_headers. http_strict_transport_security must be any of the; “true”, “false”. | Boolean | No |
page_rule.security_headers.x_fram e_options | The values of the security_headers.x_frame_option must be any of the; “true”, “false”. | Boolean | No |
page_rule.security_headers.x_cont ent_type_options | The values of the security_headers.x_content_type_options must be any of the; “true”, “false”. | Boolean | No |
page_rule.security_headers.max_ age | The values of the max_age must be any of the “in:1h,2h,3h,6h,12h,1d,2d,3d,1M,6M,1y”. | Integer | No |
page_rule.security_headers.sub_d omains | The values of the must be any of the; “true”, “false”. | Boolean | No |
page_rule.security_headers.preload | The values of the security_headers.preload must be any of the; “true”, “false”. | Boolean | No |
page_rule.range_based_caching_used_type | The values of the page_rule.range_based_caching_used_type must be any of the; “default”, “custom”. | String | No |
range_based_caching_value | The values of the range_based_caching_value must be any of the “in:512k, 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m, 6m, 7m, 8m, 9m, 10m”. | String | No |
"resource_uuid": "***-***-***-****",
"status_file_extension": true,
"page_rule": [
"rule_id": 17,
"is_delete": false,
"file_extension": [
"file_path": "/test123",
"cache_type": "edge",
"edge_cache_expiry": 10,
"edge_cache_unit": "d",
"geo_block": true,
"status_range_based_caching": true,
"range_based_caching_used_type": "custom",
"range_based_caching_value": "3m",
"security_headers": true,
"security_header_used_type": "default",
"custom_header_status": true,
"custom_header_used_type": "default",
"status_qs": "on",
"status_qs_cache_ignore": false,
"qs_cache_ignore_param": [],
"status_cqs": false,
"cqs_args": [],
"status_hl_protection": true,
"hl_protection_used_type": "custom",
"hl_protection_type": "whitelist",
"hl_protection_domains": [
"include_blank_referer": true,
"exact_match": false